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Self Care IS NOT Hot Baths + Manicures

When we think of self care, most people think of massages, hot baths and manicures.

Yes okay, this is a part of self care and I preach this a lot - because it does make us feel good on the outside.


It’s usually only temporary.

Self care can also mean looking deeper inside yourself and your life and figuring out what you need to “sort out”.

It’s facing your problems head on.

It’s making a spreadsheet of all your debts and income. Working out how to pay off that credit card, so your head isn’t clogged with financial worry.

It’s enforcing a morning routine that you stick to.

It’s turning your phone off for the day and being present in the moment.

It’s looking for a new job because your current one is making you so unhappy that you feel ill.

It’s telling that toxic friend you can’t be around her anymore, despite a decade of friendship.

It’s about realising that you don’t need to fix yourself. But you need to learn to take care of yourself.

It can be the ‘fugliest effing’ thing in the short term, but in the long term it’s for the best.

Deep down you know it is.

That burden released from your shoulders will clear up so much space in your mind - that you can start concentrating on other things.

Being healthy is not just about going to the gym and eating chicken salads.

Health starts from the inside.

If you struggle with emotional eating...

The issue isn’t what you’re eating. It’s why.

If you have a head full of worry and stress, that all comes from somewhere...

Face your problems head on, whip the plaster off, take your head out of the sand, stop sweeping things under the rug….

I promise you, you’ll start seeing a huge shift in your mindset.

Speaking to a friend and opening up about it is the first step.

As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

If you don’t have someone to talk to. Start a journal.

Just write down absolutely everything that is on your mind.

Everything that is worrying you.

All the anxieties.

Just whack it down on a piece of paper and get it all out of your head.

Once you start this process you will begin to regain control over your life, you'll experience a boost in clarity, and start feeling better mentally and physically.

So don’t waste another day worrying about these things, start now and you will be on the other end of it before you know it.

Be the hero of your life. Not the victim.

All my love x


Top tips? ❤️

Have you got any extra top tips that you have found helpful? Share your secrets below and let's all help each other!

Or just drop me a comment and let me know what you thought of this.

Rosie ❤️


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