It’s no secret stereotypically ‘unhealthy foods’ are incredibly delicious. But, unfortunately, they’re not all that good for us.
They’re often packed with calories, salt, sugar, and fat while containing little to no useful nutrients.
Alongside a healthy diet, these foods are a welcomed treat, but they shouldn’t make up the bulk of our diet. Not only is it no good for our waistlines, but it won’t do us much good for our health either.
But, how do we stop ourselves from overindulging in these treats, even when we know we shouldn’t? Because at the end of the day, who’s going to choose a nutrient-packed healthy meal, over a luxurious treat? I certainly wouldn’t?
But, for the sake of my health, I should. But sometimes it's not as easy as that.
Here are some handy tips to help curve your cravings the next time you're faced with this dilemma.
Ask Yourself If You Really Need It?
Okay hear me out with this. Often, our cravings are a result of boredom and happen off an impulse rather than a deliberate decision. When we see a cookie on the table we automatically want to eat it, that’s a no-brainer.
However, just before you reach for the cookie ask yourself if you really need it. Are you hungry, or just bored? Is it going to make you full, or should you have a nutrient-packed meal instead? Is this cookie going to satisfy your needs, or just give you a few seconds of pleasure?
By asking yourself these questions you’re creating a judgement based on reason, rather than impulse, therefore making you question your actions. If you are an emotional eater (check out the section on this) this won't be as easy for you. But chances are you won’t need that cookie and you’ll think twice about picking it up.
Keep Busy
Similar to our last tip, cravings are often a result of boredom. When we know food brings us joy we think about food during phases of boredom. In turn, this makes us crave food unnecessarily.
So, when you have a craving, do something else to preoccupy your mind. Go for a walk, complete a puzzle, read a book, anything that is going to take your mind elsewhere. When you’re truly hungry your body will let you know it’s time to eat. Let your body tell you when to eat, not your mind.
If the craving still hasn't gone away after 10-15 minutes, then just have it. You must need it.
Drink a Glass of Water
Cravings are often just our bodies' way of letting us know they’re starting to get dehydrated. Instead of going straight to the treats, drink a glass of water. Wait 15-20mins and if you’re still hungry then by all means have a nutrient-dense snack or meal, but give your body time to let you know what it really wants.
Eat More Protein
High-protein diets have been linked to increased feelings of satiety. If you want to feel fuller for longer without consuming more food, just change your food composition to include more protein.
As a general rule of thumb, you should be consuming protein with each meal. Add dairy, eggs, meat, fish, beans, or legumes to each meal to help keep those cravings at bay around mealtimes.
The Rosie recipes are high in protein for this reason. If you are still getting lots of cravings, then perhaps you could choose the more protein type snacks from the snack list instead or reaching for the carby snacks?
Top tips? ❤️
Have you got any extra top tips that you have found helpful? Share your secrets below and let's all help each other!
Or just drop me a comment and let me know what you think.
Rosie ❤️